Sage Sparrow
Amphispiza belli
Synopsis: Breeds in flats of big sage throughout eastern Oregon, and more locally in sagebrush in the foothills of the Blue Mountains. Most notable are the records from Umatilla, southern Morrow, Wheeler, Crook, southwestern Lake, and western Deschutes Counties.

Habitat Associations:
Big Sagebrush Shrubland (10264460 acres)
Sagebrush Steppe (2233370 acres)
Low-Dwarf Sagebrush (368124 acres)
Bitterbrush-Big Sagebrush Shrubland (89349 acres)
Salt Desert Scrub Shrubland (571910 acres)
Lava/Pumice with Widely Scattered Trees/Shrubs (110103 acres)

Relative Detectability: Easy to detect by sight and song, and fairly easy to confirm breeding.

Challenge: Determine if this species breeds more widely than shown in northern Harney, northern Malheur, and central Baker County.